Who We Are and What Do We Do
The Monument Hill Kiwanis Club, a chapter of Kiwanis International, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with over 100 volunteers: Making a Positive Difference for Youth and Our Community in the Tri-Lakes area and northern El Paso County, Colorado.
Making a Difference - In Our Schools

Making a Difference - Fundraising
Through our granting arm, the
Monument Hill Foundation, we donate over $50,000 per year to local nonprofits in the El Paso County area. Fundraising activities include a Peach Sale in July and a Craft Fair in December. We also raise funds for partner organizations with our Empty Bowl Dinner and Silent Auction for Tri-Lakes Cares in October and with Bell Ringing for The Salvation Army in November & December.

Making a Difference - Service
Our July 4th
Parade is dubbed the "biggest small-town parade in America." Over 80 entries thrill 20,000+ spectators during the celebration which includes the Monument Street Fair sponsored by the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce.

Other Service projects include Harvest of Love, collecting literally tons of food, donated through District 38 schools, for Tri-Lakes Cares holiday distribution. Club members also volunteer with several local programs including the Rocky Mountain Youth Leadership Foundation, the Children's Literacy Center, and DECA.
Join Us - We Have Fun
We meet voluntarily from 8:00 am—9:30 am on Saturdays
where we enjoy educational programs, humor,
and healthy fellowship. Come to a meeting, see how you like us, and consider joining.
where we enjoy educational programs, humor,

IF YOU CAN'T MEET SATURDAYS, stop by our KONNECTORS meeting, the 2nd Thursday of each month, 5:30-6:30pm in the Barr Room at Pikes Peak Brewing Company in Monument.
Our fellowship is the "glue" that binds us together for a common purpose. For more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..